Wednesday, February 21, 2024

My Post on LinkedIn

A Post By Dr Elizabeth Cousin
" Never say mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass, but your mean words can scar a person for life so use kind words or be silent".
My Response
So true, speak with love and do not succumb to the need to be right and be hasty to hurt the other person with your words of accusations. This will  precipitate rash and thoughtless words that will leave a lasting impression and may bring more anger and irritability to the situation.
Please take a moment to gather your thoughts and speak wisely.
Make sure you are praying for the person but also yourself.
Be empowering by having a calm disposition that brings healing and
may cause an amicable truce.
Thank you Dr Elizabeth Cousin for your thought provoking words that may help one have meaningful insight and integrity in our conflict with others.

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