Thursday, June 18, 2020

Movement In Christ

Gird up to go up !  When an airplane is going to change flight position or pattern, the Pilot ask the passengers to fastening up their seat belt to secure our safety & to anchor us in our seats.
I hear God say gird yourself up, because you are rapidly advancing in me;  as I see some of us going up on a plane, others of us are on a Jet, while others are on a rocket going straight up with no detours.  However all airborn vehicles are moving or soaring upwards.
At this point our position/ foundation in Christ must be secure as we go up in our journey, we may experience some turbulence in the process of going upwards. We definitely need our whole armour on in this proces.
Even a Pilot has control of His flight panel,  we must know & trust that God has complete control of our situations as He is launching us out into the deep. So let's soar in Jesus !
Apostle Zipporah Brown

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