Sunday, May 2, 2021

Keep It Moving! Some People Won't Understand What You And God Got Going On!" on YouTube By Marcus Rogers

My Thoughts
True, you must know who you are beyond a reasonable doubt and be able to stand in the midst of others opinions and accusations. The Lord's Word will fortify us during these trials and uncertainties in our life.
The enemy will subsequently use people or circumstances to promote our fears and bring us to our own demise through what the naysayers or well meaning people are speaking out of their own soul, issues and unbelief to us, especially if we do not stand against the lies of the enemy.
Others may even try to rationalizes where you at or your actions and what you currently are going through from a their carnal perspective and not from heart of God for you.
People may also bumbard you knowingly or unknownly with their own thoughts of defeats or negativety, which may be rooted in their own feelings of insecurities, envy, jealousy, or it may be out of their ignorance of spiritual things, or just being malicious in their own motives, but the outcomes are the same in this, the enemy is trying to halt your growth or progress in what God has already spoke to you in your prayer closet and what you are beginning to move out in publicly on Word of God.
You must believe and stand strong on that Word and what God have said about you and to you, we should continue to please God and not people, know that His Word is always true!
The enemy and people will challenge your dreams, goals, actions and identity based on what they perceive or have heard from other people in their experiences, criticism judgements and prejudices against you in and your individual journey in Christ or what The Lord have ask you to do.
Be who are in Christ and with no deviations because of other people opinions.
The enemy will always try to murder or assassinate your character so that you will not be able help or connect with others or just be a light in this world.
We must stand against plotting and practicing sin, any falsehoods and lies by living in the total truth of God's biblical principles, His Word, His Divine order and the Holiness in Christ.
Remember we are not our past experiences or failures based on any facts and falsehoods we have believed about ourselves or what others have believed to be true about us.
We must continue to please our Jesus and live for Him at all cost.
Only the truth will stand and every evil lie will fall to the ground, this also include any lies the enemy have told us about ourselves. According to Scripture we should cast down every high thing and imaginations that stands against will, purposes and the Word of God for our lives, instead we must trust and believe God whether it is His Logos or Rhema Word to us. Remember God is our Sovereign King and His truth and will shall prevail in our lives.
Be encouraged in this tedious journey, always forgive others and let patience have it perfect work. Press into Jesus to gain any insights, wisdom and knowledge of our Heavenly Father and let Him perfect your love walk and prepare a table in the midst of enemy. Remember God is with us and He is always working on our character and fruit as we continue stand in midst of adversity.
Go back to God our Father in Heaven and inquire of Him, what you can do differently, what are His instructions for you, what are you to learn from each encounter with others and in the center of misunderstandings and negativety and how should you as individual respond to the Judases and any betrayal in our lives.
The intensity of any warfare will bring change and out the New Wine in you.
For our God is a Consuming Fire and nothing occurs without His consent. You are called to be a blessing to all you encounter and it is not depicted on the behavior of other people, we are responsible for our own actions and how we responds to others according to the Scripture.
Please remember to love and forgive others all the time, it is your choice.
In His Love and through His Fire and Glory
Apostle Zipporah Brown

YouTube Video by Marcus Rogers

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