Thursday, February 14, 2019

God Is Moving In The Earth

We are about to experience an extraordinary, supernatural, preternatural, amazing, unprecedented, Supermundane, miraculous, phenomenal, incredible, astounding, spectacular, astonishing, wondrous, creative & victorious moves of God in The Body of Christ as never seen before. The Glory of God shall be known on this globe. Nothing on this earth, above the earth, beneath the earth & nothing incorporeal or corporeal can stop what God is doing. It's by His Spirit & by His Sovereign will that this move shall occur with no interference, God will have His way, who can stand against the creator of everything that exists, whether one believe it or not, God does not need anyone approval, endorsement or opinions in what He has said. He will always glorify Himself. I hear who on this planet has created themselves, Man may clone cells & create methods of fertilization but, only God's breath in His created life that a human being lives.
It has been decreed by Heaven, before the foundation of this earth that this glorious move of Christ was predestined & ordained before time exists. Every knee will bow & every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords & King of Kings. God will & shall not be denied in this season.
I personally rather bow & yield right now here on this plane or dimension, rather than one who has transition & discover they still have to bow anyway.
The Fear of The Lord shall manifest itself in this generation. For eyes have not seen, nor ears has not heard & neither has it entered into the heart of men what God has prepared for His Children, there is no stopping of what have been spoken in THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, It does not matter the tempering with the Bible, God's Words are spiritual & life. The Word must come to past, for it been said & written. The Truth & The Word which is Jesus shall prevail NOW ! IT IS FINISHED
Dr Zipporah Brown

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