Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Maturity and Growth

Our maturity & spiritual growth comes when we are totally  submitted to The Lord in the mist of all the chaos & confusion & we are certainty victorious in remaining in the peace of Christ  when standing in Him against all the offenses, jealousy, envy, conflicts, attacks, competitiveness, emulations, disputes, misunderstandings, false accusations, judgements, unlawful challenges, lies, gossip, false witnesses, Naysayers, negative comments, being yelled at, opinions, differences, hostility, haters, bitterness, disagreements, finger pointing, disputes, strife, resentments, controversy, persecutions, contentions, rage, outbursts, variances,divisions,  disharmony, anger, antagonism, clashes, spite, grudges, arguments, animosity, frictions, oppositions, dissensions, name calling, slanders, doubters, scoffers, the prideful, mockers, scorners, cynicism, defamers, profanities, identity & character assaults, divisions, malicious & mean behaviors, vindictive & unforgiving acts, sarcastic words,   the releasing words of death & murder or hurtful & painful words, destiny stealer, accusers, back stabbing, pessimists, criticism, belittling, bad attitudes, dishonoring, lack of respect, denials, skepticism, denigrating &  conspiracies & evil networks against you & your character. We continue stand in Christ & know we wrestle  not against flesh & blood.

Dr Zipporah Brown




I hear be surefooted when you are on unstable grounds. Be fixed & focused on Jesus at all times. Many are moving in illegal territories in the Spirit realm opening doors & gates to the enemy or flowing in the Spirit for personal gain with prophesy or the gifts of The Holy Ghost, some are tapping into Humanism, New Age, divination, witchcraft or mixing some false religious theology in your flow & called it Jesus, remember If you move/flow in areas of darkness, unholy realms of the enemy & by him being a legalist he is going to take his liberties & the rights you have given him.
We must be pure, Holy, true, authentic & have integrity with our Father God. Please close all gates, doors & windows in our soul to all lies of the enemy.
Many are asleep to what is really going on now & is  not alert or watchful & have been bewitched, seduce or entice by their own desires, issues, soul & not walking in biblical principles in the Bible. The Word is truth! Ask God for His truths, a greater revelation & His interpretation of the Scriptures.
Please go before God & do a personal inventory in Jesus. Because I hear the words strongly HALT & WOE !
God is filtering & cleansing our hearts, motives, character, desires, perceptions & attitudes with His Consuming Fire. He is purging, purifying & pruning those things in us that are not like Him.
Finally I hear listen to God, watch your mouths, thoughts & be not persuaded against The Kingdom of God & who He has ordained to use in this season, because someone may not be up to your own standards or judgments or what you may have heard or even thought about a person. I hear do not touch it or agree with your mouth, actions or deeds against that person, you must pray & intercede. I hear get truth from God for ownself & what you speak or even think, because you will only be accountable to God for yourself & it will not be based on anyone else's thoughts, opinions, words, or even their false witness when you are before the Throne of God. I saw hot coals being touched to lips of God's people & it was a very long line, I did not see the end of the line only the beginning. We should not be superficial but authentic in our relationship with Jesus & also each other.
Don't get angry at me, I'm just the messager or vessel used of Jesus.
God told me my people get angry at the Messager because they are not ready for the truth, they are currently in sin, or they just do not want to deal with their issues or they don't want to be exposed & they want to continue to hide, thereby, they are in denial or they project their own issues & problems off onto others or try to rationalize & intimidate others by coming up against the Messager's character or identity.
If you do not agree it is ok but God will be not be controlled or manipulated, He alone is God & He will always confirm His word. The truth will always stand out & be made known.
This right now movement in God is so pure & Holy & there shall be no mixtures or contamination in the flow of The Spirit, so we must stay before God in the process in order to progress & grow in Kingdom's purposes.
Remember this is not a season to play games with God, we are in some serious times in God, we must stay in prayer & seek God, His heart, thoughts about everything & everybody.
We must trust God & walk by Faith.
Know that I love you, but The Father & Jesus loves you more.
Dr/Apostle Zipporah R.Brown

Saturday, November 30, 2019


Spiritual Warfare is so very real especially in the intensity that we are experiencing now as believers, we have to be completely submit to our Chief And Commander The Lord Jesus Christ, for He is The Lord of Host. 
We can't move or speak without Him when engaging in spiritual battles, we must have God's approval, wisdom, insights, scriptures & leadership to engage in any war. We will always need Jesus' wisdom & strategies in spiritual matters & must not be presumptuous concerning them.
As believers we should  want to know who an individual is  that going to wage war with us especially when going into the various realms & dimensions while we are in a battle.
I have learned if a person is not equipped to handle a certain level of warfare or doors may be opened in their life or soul.  Therefore, God will not lead you into higher level of warfare with unequipped person, He will always protect that person, even if that person feels they are ready to war on certain levels.
Subsquently, as leaders we must also be protective of individuals that are on our teams as well, by praying, by using discernment & having an acute sensitivity to The Lord.
We have to definitely understand our boundaries set by God in the spiritual realm not take anyone in battle that is not ready to go into a higher level of warfare, unless they  have been & are approved by God.
Just because we see someone else war on higher level in intercession or spiritual warfare, this does not mean we are to try to  emulate or engage in spiritual warfare at same level without  God's strict permission, people are anointed for specific assignments & remember because you have been used to a particular way in battle at one time does not necessarily mean you are should assume you can or will flow that same way again. Each assignment & region are different in conjunction with its strongholds, root problems, principalities etc and each assignment must be orchestrated & strategized by God as we are required to seek God's directives in all spiritual battles.
All  gates, windows & doors in our soul & to the demonic realm that we know of must be closed. 
It will be  advantageous to consult with The Lord about any openings that we are aware of or  unaware of.
We need to deal with all soulish & emotional issues, because the enemy being a legalistic will use these very issues to come against us & will try to defeat us,  especially if we are unaware of them.  This is why we need the truth in our inward parts before  we go into battles. Fasting & praying  before  the Father is a must.
Some  of our weapons we can use before & during battles are Praise & Worship, taking communion daily, our full submission to The Lord, walking in Love, walking in total obedience, dying to our self & flesh, having a repentant heart, having the readiness of the Sword of the Spirit which the word of God & to be Confident in Christ about who we are in Him, these are some tools that are very important.
We should move & flow in God's Divine Order, the timing of Jesus  as well as being Divine alignment in our lives.  Walking in unity & the oneness in the Holy Spirit, having a true humility, embracing the truth are more tools to have.
Finally having on our complete & full spiritual armour of God. Each piece of the armour represents our protection in the spirit as we go into war, we must have  absolute determination  to resist the enemy from using our flesh against us & others. 
In hindsight as we use & apply The Blood of Jesus in our lives, we ready for the battles that are ahead of us.
Another tool or weapon  we must have in our arsenal is to know who we are, to have identity in Christ & be aware of weakness, ourselves, our actions, responses, triggers, weakness & proclivities.
We should also be aware & know the enemy & all his tactics, plots &  strategies against us & against other people that are around us as well. 
We must remember we do not war against flesh & blood it's a spiritual battle & we have to keep our perspectives as mature warriors in Christ by not allowing vain imaginations & lies of enemy penetrate our mind, emotions & armour.
Most importantly we must know God by having an intimate relationship with Him & will fortify us against external  & internal weapons of the enemy.
These points are some of strategic keys & weapons we must be aware of as we are co- laborers with The Lord Jesus against the wiles of the enemy. We are in this together & we have just one enemy,  thereby, let us keep our focus on The Lord as we advance forward with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
It's our duty to protect & intercede for one another in The Body of Christ. It is also our responsibility & we should be our firm position to protect the movement in the Kingdom of  God & what He  is doing the earth, even through  yourself  & also others in The Body of Christ.
Dr/ Apostle Zipporah Brown

Friday, November 29, 2019

Ponder The Will Of God ?

I hear The Lord say be obedient without any hesitation or delay in this season. Time is of the essence for the Divine Kingdom Connections. The act of hesitating is a delay due to uncertainty of the mind or fear. A state of doubt,a halting or faltering in speech according to the dictionary.  I say it is a pausing in commencing your actions based on a perceived inability to accomplish the task at the moment, whether in your own  thoughts, beliefs, actions or deeds.
We must trust The Lord in all movement through our vessel which is based on your availability & your faith in Him.
Your movement in Christ is not based on your carnal senses, feelings, natural observations or not even what is comprehended by you, it is strictly by the obedience to The voice of God. Consequently, you must have a knowing of His voice in  your spirit in this due season, with no vacillating or inconsistency in your response to Jesus.
It is now onward progressively with an ardent, eagerness &  willingness attitude in what The Lord has required of you to do.
So be bold & confident because the rewards & benefits are going to be phenomenal. 
Only let your pauses be in the realm of Christ's will by being synchronize with the Holy Spirit & not to delay your own blessings.

Apostle Zipporah Brown

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Calling all Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Prophetic Watchmen, Apostolic & Prophetic Intercessors, Generals, Praying Saints, Prayer Immobilizers, Prayer Educators, Instructors, Coaches & Teachers, Prayer Directors, Assistants, & Leaders, Locally, Regional & International Intercessors, Prayer Directors, Prayer Group Leaders & Participants, Midwives, Those who Travails, Lament & Wails before The Throne of God,  Prayer Strategics, Tacticians, Chief & Governmental Intercessors, Prayer Ambassadors, Those with Prayer Ministry,  Organizations, College & Schools, Those that Facility Prayerlines, Those who have Television & Radio Venues about Prayer, 24/7 Prayerline Partners, Crisis Prayer Workers, Evangelism Prayer Warriors, International & Global Intercessors, Persecuted Nations Intercessors, Intercessors For Israel, Traveling Intercessors those who go onsite to Pray, Special Prayer Forces, Captains of Prayer,  City & State Prayer Leaders, Prayer Networks, Those that have been over various Prayer Movements, Prayer Call-in Leaders, Churches Head Intercessors or Leaders, Intercessors that Pray for Specific Events or Areas, Leaders, Governments, Entertainment Industry, Schools, Businesses, Safety, etc, Spiritual Warfare Leaders, Intercessors For The Nations, Cultures & Ethnicities,  Intercessors who watch the News to pray, or  those who do not watch the News to pray, Statewide Intercessors, & Intercessors that are on the watch to Prevents Demonic Attacks in the Spirit Realm, Intercessors For Marriage, Teens, Children, Husbands, Wives, The Elderly, Parents, Grandparents & Families, Intercessors For Victims & the Predators,  for the Grieving, the Hurting Rejected & Lost. Intercessors For The Body of Christ, The Churches & Ministries, Intercessors that Pray For people's  Deliverance & or people who just like to pray in Jesus' name. This an Urgent Alert, 911, SOS,  a help, The trumpet is sounding in the Spirit & There is a Clarion Call to PRAY NOW, even if you have not been praying with a consistency or  been persistence in your prayer life. It is time to communicate with YOUR Heavenly Father, because changes are coming rapidly & suddenly that will effect humanity  globally. Our God is pouring His spirit out on all flesh.
We shall witness a mighty, great, massive & awesome move of God with creative miracles, strange, wondrous & terrible signs to manifest in the earth.
Yet there will be & are increases in the intensity in spiritual warfare, However we are Victorious & Triumphant in every way in Christ. We Must keep our FOCUS on Christ, by WATCHING as well as PRAYING  & PRAY daily! We must build up our prayer walls, shields & protection around ourselves, families, communities, Nations etc . We are in The Army of The Lord. He awaits to give us all our Marching Orders Now & I sense He is saying Right Now!  He calling for a greater sensitivity to His presence & Holy Spirit, A total submission of our being to His will & guidance,  a greater purging, deliverance, cleansing, & Holiness in Him. Also a greater intimacy  accountability of our individual action to The Lord. We are on the Frontline & every entry way to the enemy & demonic realm must be closed & there no exceptions or excuses, because this stage the enemy is coming with an vengeance with the intend to kill, steal & destroy. The Kingdom  suffers violence & the violent must take it by force. We must bind the strongman  in our life  as well as the territory we shall plunder.
So let's girt up ours loins & proceed to go forward in prayer, with our weapons of our warfare which are not carnal, but mighty in The Lord.
Watch therefore with all vigilant. Resist the devil & he shall fleet. GOD IS CALLING ALL INTERCESSORS this is not a one man's show, but a Kingdom's initiatives orchestrated & mobilize by our Sovereign  King, as The Lord Saboath. 
By Dr Zipporah Brown


We continue praying for Men everywhere.
Yes we are praying & interceding for the Men for their  roles are difficult & we may not understand their position as a Male, Men or boy.
We must encourage & support our Sons, Brothers, Husbands, Uncles, Grandsons, Nephews, Male Cousins,, Fathers, Grandfathers, Professional Males, or  the working Males, those in the Government, Law enforcement, Teachers,  the Medical areas & those that  may need to be restored in life & back in society.
Pray for Men in jail, Nursing homes, Seniors Citizens,  the Male seeds & children, the youth, Millennials, those in Foster care system & those that are homeless etc.
We need to pray continually  for those that  do work of the ministry, Pastors, Leaders, Bishops, Apostle, Prophets. Ushers, Deacons, Musicians, or whatever perspective roles they may operate in our society.
Please continue to pray  the Men because there is an increase need  & intense attack on Males in the earth.  We must become their intercessor in this season.
Apostle Zipporah Brown


So true, we must authentic in every area of our lives.
We are not to be superficial in our words, actions, or deeds.  We should always be authentic, especially when we are representing The Kingdom of God, we have to be real & genuine in showing forth our love, light & transparency to others.
BE YOU !  The best possible you that you can be !
Our lives are an living Epistle open &  read before all Men. 2Corinthians 3:2 & 3.
We have to become the engrafted Word of God in the earth. James1:21
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Right Now Prayer Team

raying on location as a team of Intercessors ( The Right Now Prayer Team) that are power packed, dynamite, & full of wisdom, strategies, boldness, love, insights & might, because  of Jesus being  our Chief In Commander & Sovereign King. We  pray at various location & join other prayer movements as God lead us into a deeper depths of understanding & clarity as Warriors, Watchmen, Strategist, Tacticians, Sharp Shooters & as a  Prophetic & Apostolic team flowing in
purity, holiness, truth, authenticity, Integrity & unity.
We are Kingdom endorsed & empowered by the Most High, true  & living God.  We are Midwives, Travailers, encouragers, motivators,  Prayer Initiators, Protectors in the Army of The Lord.
We are now crying out for nations,families, individuals, governments, etc as The Father leads us with His heart. We remain target specific  in our prayers so to effective in our operations  & intercession. We are God's Intercessors ready to intercede on your behalf. God has found us faithful to stand in the gap.  We are willing & available to The Holy Spirit in battle  on the ground, air & sea, whether its Domestic or Foreign. There a war cry deep in our soul & it is The fire of God to pray for men everywhere with a urgency & fervency
We are seers, Apostles Prophets, Scribes, Pastors. Teachers & Evangelists, but most importantly & definitely servants of The Kingdom of God that is unstoppable in Christ Jesus.  Let God arise & His enemies be scattered.
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Thursday, August 15, 2019


Amen, God will not be hindered or mocked & we will not be distracted from the purposes of God, we are to focus on The Kingdom purposes of our Lord in our lives.
Father open up our eyes to see what have not been seen. Expose all the enemies & anyone sent to destroy or stop us & also all the people  near us with any wrong motives or hidden agendas around us. 
Father expose all traps, snares, plots & malicious intents to stop the Kingdom flow through us !
We must be in total agreement with God for every & all people we meet or come in contact with & not be against God's purposes foror in anyone's life.
We are either for God or against God, woe to those that are against God's Kingdom purposes for other people's destiny or those influencing others people negatively against us.
We are to be Watchmen for the Kingdom of God & to travail for the birthing of Christ Jesus in the earth through individuals not oppose their purpose or destiny with our mouth, thoughts, actions & deeds.
Father we ask for your protection around our destiny & purposes in the earth.
Father please remove all threats against your purpose for our individual lives in Jesus' name. We are in  a very serious season of The Lord & God is real.
Please hear the Lord & not be dull of hearing in this season, seek God like never before !
After thought: "Who can come against or stop God?"
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

I Am Praying for You

I am definitely praying for the will of the Father to go forth in your life. That the Fire & conviction of The Holy Spirit be prevalent in this season in your life. That you are now able to cultivate the presence of The Lord every second in your daily existence on this earth & to those around you. May you experience ecstacy & the unveiling love of Jesus Christ within the depths of your very being. Lastly may you have an insatiable thirst & hunger for God's presence and truth. I am praying for you !

Friday, June 28, 2019

Father God Surround Me With Your Presence

In your presence always Lord, let your presence be in me, through me, on me, around me, in my DNA, my cellular structure, my mind & brain, my blood, organs, eyes, ears, mouth, drench every part of my being Lord with your tangible manifested glorious presence Lord, from the very top my head, down to the tips of my toes, let your presence permeate all parts my being. Let your sweet, Holy, aroma fill & bring about atmospheric changes as the results of your glory. May I be all so endowed with your glory. May your holiness be viewed upon me & in my entire being & let me be absolutely synchronized with your every move through the Holy Spirit, may the transparency of my being be all so reflective of your image & may the, radiant, brightest, brilliant & the illuminous light of Jesus Christ be seen & felt by others to expell all obscure & oppressive darkness because of my presence. May the glory give each individual hope that brings healings, deliverance, the fear & awe of the Lord that releases total conviction & convergent to those who yet do not know you Lord Jesus Christ as their  presonal Saviour & King.
May others experience your exhilarating, exuberant, extravagant & rapturous love because of your presence in me. I find the ecstasy of your presence continually brings elation, ecstatic, jubilant, euphoric & enraptured  joy & strength to my being. Father please captivate & entrall others with your Holy presence as you have engulfed & immersed me.
Let your Glory Father be released across the Globe, for no flesh will be Glorified in your presence. Father let fire totally consume me in its entirety & set me ablaze for your glory.
  Definitely  let your effervescence presence be made known to others. Let your agape love & intimacy be made known to your children as this what give pleasure.
Manifest your Kingdom to others Lord, by your SPIRIT. Bring forth your Divine alignment with the order of heaven. Let the supernatural & creative miracles, signs and wonders be manifested because of your Glory.
I am so in love with Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai,  my Abba Father & Yahushua, my King & Rauch Hakodesh. Thank you Lord
Apostle Zipporah ( Tzipporah) Brown


We pray for healing & deliverance from the root of manipulation, lies, cheating, etc , especially  for individuals that currently operates like this that are calling themselves a child of God.
Father we asks that you expose these ungodly behaviors & deal with the soul of each person for your Glory.  Allow them to see themselves & take responsibility for their own behaviors & actions.
We decree that all denial, deception, lies, manipulation, untruth, rebellion, pride, selfishness are not acceptable behaviors in your  Kingdom & in your presence in our vessels & we take authority over all ungodly behaviors & bind up these activities in Jesus' name!
We now loose godly biblical truths, godly influence, the reality of the Kingdom, love, compassion, a greater understanding of Jesus, love for God, themselves & their neighbors, a selflessness & a servant attitude, truth in their inward parts, death to their flesh & an absolute  williness to change their own behaviors & a definite desire to please Jesus. 
We decree all these behaviors will always be exposed around your presence God, Fear of The Lord will come forth & also conviction of The Holy Spirit.  We send forth love, peace, joy & Godly acceptance to them, (but not the sin or fleshly & ungodly behaviors). We bind up all demonic influences, shame, guilt & the stranger's voice.
  We thank you Lord for your love & healing for those that may be operating in these behaviors that comes in your presence around us.
We will not be ignorance of the devices of enemy & we  immediately forgive the individual & we intercede in love for our brethren in Jesus' name.
No matter where or what situation we see these behaviors operating,  we shall pray for that individual.
Father let all our responses be Godly & pleasing to you Lord. Let us also take a look at ourselves so that we ourselves are not operating in same behaviors & are delivered & cleanse of these actions as well, so our intercession is pure before the throne & we respond with grace & mercy; not out of judgement, criticism or condemnation with any individual that needs the love of Christ & true an intimate relationship  with The Lord Jesus Christ in whom we are suppose to represent in any situation.
We are vessels of The most High, King Jesus  & we must represent Jesus in the beauty of Holiness.
Finally Father help us to represent you well & be pleasing unto you in every circumstances we may encounter on a daily basis.
Apostle Zipporah Brown


A Marriage Is Call Holy Matrimony Representing Jesus & His Bride !

God's Word & way is true.  He set the natural order of things,  anything else is unnatural & out of order, which is rebellion.  Rebellion against the order & biblical principles of God. God's Word is immutable & irrefutable.   God does not make any mistakes.  The mutation  of ones identity & moral decay represents man's denial of God's existence & authority. Yes God is love &  He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. However when Jesus hung on the cross The Father turned from him briefly because of the sin that was placed on him from us. Jesus said why have thou forsaken me.
God hates all forms of sin & it does not  matter who justify it or make excuses for their behaviors or desires.  Everything was created & put into existence has a purpose & reason to function the way it does. No humanistic,  psychological,  analytical deviant injection into the behaviors of man & analyzing the Word of from a carnal perspective will change What God has decreed & SAID.
Just by natural observance we see the functionality of male & female & what God has ordained for the existence of mankind to procreate;  Perversion & inordinate affections has occurred from corruption of the enemy & has been there before this earth exsisted. The enemy Injecting thoughts will lead to destruction & chaos. Once a person is throughly convince their behaviors are legitimate, based on the sense realms, natural intellect & human emotions; Everything in that persons responds to that belief system that the enemy has put in place. Sometimes it may occurs in the womb, for we are spiritual beings. We must trust & believe God at this juncture in wake of humanity rebellion against God in our country. It did not just start, as we read scriptures, it has been happening for ages.  When men are not submitted to the truth & reality of the Kingdom  they will always want to do things their way & not God's ways. The enemy main purpose is to pervert the holiness & sanctity of God's image in marriage. The Groom which is Jesus & His bride that's us as the Body of Christ, represents a male (Jesus  Christ) & a female( The children of God) It can not & will not be any other way in the sight of God. It is written !
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Technology These Days

Look technology is great, however I do not like the GPS, Google whoever knowing my every move & than telling me where I am at. It just to weird to me. It is convenient when we need it & want to it use  the technology, the accuracy is scary. Sometimes technology can be invasive  & I am not comfortable with that, I realizes monitoring systems have been in place for many years, now the intensity of these devices and their capabilities are more extreme & accurate.  I guess  this  is what we want when need  the support in obtaining directions.
We must watch as well as pray, I am not one of those conspiracy theorists, but I am encouraging everyone to pray in this season we are in.  We are to be sober & vigilant in the Kingdom of God. As technology advances in the natural realm, I feel we should also advance in spirit realm with the heart of God.
Jesus is a great strategist & He will lead us through this maze of deceit & games in our society. My prayer is that we become more skilled & sharpen in every area as more in depth the weapons are becoming & being formed in this day & age.
I remembered discussing these times & these things in junior high school,  back than it seemed  so futuristic & unobtainable at time. Now what was discussed back then is deemed antiquated in comparison to the speed in which knowledge is increasing especially in technology.
I believe we must look to see & see what is not seen. 
Just  take a look at this younger generation &  how things are evolving quickly & how the youth  has adapted to the operation of technology.
It does not even seem to phrase them & they have the capacity to know how to operate the elitist computers, tablets & smart phones. So as things advances, may God grant us the wisdom to remain abreast to the new.
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Authentic Move of God

Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus, I totally agree for a true revival & awakening. A happening from the Holy Spirit of God that can not be denied, this will be an in your face supernatural miracles & radical changes instantaneously in people, the atmosphere, our communities, territories & utter most part of the world.
A global glory released across the earth by God's Spirit in an  intensity & purity that we never have experienced  before in humanity's existence in this realm on the earth. Let us have an expectancy, anticipation & hope in Christ Jesus!  God The Father is a great Master strategist. The time is now !  This that is happening is now, it's a suddenly. A moment in eternity & God's kairos timing  in this due season. Get ready to launch forth, for God is the catalyst in movement.
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Monday, April 29, 2019

It Is A Serious Time In God

Being in headship of The Five Ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) & or in a leadership position; you, yourself are responsible & accountable to God all areas of your individual walk before Him. You just can not do what you want to do, go where you want go, say what you to say out of your mouth or even associate  with who God has not ordained for your life & destiny, unless it is an assignment  from The Lord.
We should always abide under the shadow of His wings & stay in His arms of protection, by being obedient, submissive to Him & resisting the effects of the enemy. We must girt ourselves up  with the full armour of God. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal people,but mighty through God to pulling down strongholds.
It is a very serious time we are in right now & we can't afford to move out  of the timing of The Lord in this season. We must be synchronize with the Holy Spirit & be obedient to The voice of The Lord.
Our God is Holy God & we must also be Holy in our words, actions, thoughts & deeds.
Please seek The Lord for His Prophetic time table in the earth now, for things are moving expediently.
There is such an intensity  in the spirit realm & things are unfolding right before our very eyes.
God is not mocked, what so ever  you sow that we shall also reap.  The workings of the flesh is clearly identified in the scriptures & being led by the Holy Spirit is evident in our fruit display to others.
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Thursday, February 14, 2019

God Is Moving In The Earth

We are about to experience an extraordinary, supernatural, preternatural, amazing, unprecedented, Supermundane, miraculous, phenomenal, incredible, astounding, spectacular, astonishing, wondrous, creative & victorious moves of God in The Body of Christ as never seen before. The Glory of God shall be known on this globe. Nothing on this earth, above the earth, beneath the earth & nothing incorporeal or corporeal can stop what God is doing. It's by His Spirit & by His Sovereign will that this move shall occur with no interference, God will have His way, who can stand against the creator of everything that exists, whether one believe it or not, God does not need anyone approval, endorsement or opinions in what He has said. He will always glorify Himself. I hear who on this planet has created themselves, Man may clone cells & create methods of fertilization but, only God's breath in His created life that a human being lives.
It has been decreed by Heaven, before the foundation of this earth that this glorious move of Christ was predestined & ordained before time exists. Every knee will bow & every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords & King of Kings. God will & shall not be denied in this season.
I personally rather bow & yield right now here on this plane or dimension, rather than one who has transition & discover they still have to bow anyway.
The Fear of The Lord shall manifest itself in this generation. For eyes have not seen, nor ears has not heard & neither has it entered into the heart of men what God has prepared for His Children, there is no stopping of what have been spoken in THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, It does not matter the tempering with the Bible, God's Words are spiritual & life. The Word must come to past, for it been said & written. The Truth & The Word which is Jesus shall prevail NOW ! IT IS FINISHED
Dr Zipporah Brown

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Truth

YES LORD! I Loose truth all around me, in me & through me in Jesus Christ's name.
I bind the truth to my ears, eyes, mouth, heart & my inwards parts now!
I decree that nobody will be able to lie to me or speak half truths to me in Jesus Christ's name, the wordof God will expose all deceit, lies & any evil intents or motives.
I declare all the truth, nothing but the truth so help me God, for I know Jesus Christ is truth & the scriptures states that I shall "know" the truth & the truth shall set me free.
Father please deliver me from any & all lies or untruths that I may believe or have believed in my life.
Eradicate & erase any/all lies or half truths about me in my existence in the globe & any & all lies told through others or  those they may  currently believe about me in Jesus Christ's name !
I want truth & to embrace Lord privately & publicly with no comprises with any ungodly principles.
Father in Jesus Christ's name  l desire & also choose to speak, talk & walk in truth & my loins are girted about with the belt of truth as part of my armor of God.
God is Jehovah El Meth, Lord God of Truth Psalms 31:6, thank you Lord for perfect purity & holiness of truth in your Kingdom.
Lord it is authenticity, veracity & the reality of your Kingdom, without any & all contaminations, admixtures & unclean or impure spirits in the name of Jesus Christ
I will flow in holiness & purity of The Holy Spirit according to the Divine order The Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
Thank you Lord for all truth
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Friday, January 25, 2019

How Observant Are you?

How observant are you ! We must always  watch as well as PRAY. Yes even this simple visual exercise can prompt us to be more watchful, aware & increase our attention to things that are in our atmosphere or environment.
Things are not always what they appears be. Many times we assume things or situations just because it may be implied,  please remember this is how the Serpent beguiled Eve by what she saw.
WE have to be sober & vigilant in all things whether it's audible or visually.
Let us keep looking through the eyes of God & discerning the situation. Our God is Jehovah El Roi (God of seeing Hagar said in Gen 16: 13. FATHER OPEN UP OUR EYES TO SEE AS YOU SEE IN JESUS' NAME!  AMEN  
Apostle Zipporah Brown