Thursday, December 31, 2020


I wish everyone a prosperous, successful, peaceful & a Blessed New Year!
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Friday, December 18, 2020


I am just so excited it's settled, no more, wondering or guessing. I have full proof of my authenticity in the Book ( The Bible ).  I am my Father's Daughter & I am certified by The Blood. Thank you Father I can cry out Abba Father & we are official & legal.
I have full rights, authority & power to represent you in the earth. I was created in your image & Jesus has allow me to have direct access to communicate with you Father.
I have your DNA ! Thank you Jesus I can not be denied. I have your Agape love & eternal security!
DrZipporah Brown

Monday, December 14, 2020

Be Spiritually Minded

Thank you Lord for the truth, people have itching ears & they say things to cover themselves in their actions and flesh.
There are a lot of behaviors operating in the flesh of people that are games, dishonest, duplicity, lies, deceit, self deception, self will, double-dealing, guile, hypocrisy, trickery, insincerity, falsehoods, denial, pretentious and  addition to many that are listed in the Bible.
People  can make excuses for their behaviors & flesh, but we must die to ourselves.
To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritual minded is eternal life.
Many times people desire not confront the issues and sin in their life, they simply want to to run or hide and continue to use others as an excuse; yes we want to blame others or project our own indiscretions into other people. Lord have mercy on us as your Children. We are all accountable to God, we all are saved or not and there are no exceptions. The Bible says we reap what we sow and God will not be mocked.
We should love talking and interacting with our heavenly Father because He tells us the
truth about everything, even about ourselves. God will definitely give us instructions on what we need to change or mature  as His Children, it is in The Word.
People are not always honest even with themselves and may not operate in integrity with God or others. However, the only way to change is honestly admit we need Jesus' help in our lives.
Michael Jackson's song said look at the man in the mirror this has multiple meanings, but one true meaning is to look at ourself and our actions.
People can plays many games, especially with themselves. They can lie to  each other and themselves but not to God. He knows everything. God said that the human heart is wicked, who shall know it?
This is a very serious time in God right now, get your house, heart, and self in God's Divine order
Acts 17: 30  And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Continue to repent, forgive to pray and intercede for others as well as we continue  to boffer our bodies as a living sacrifice, which is our reasonable service to The Lord.  We must die to ourselves and pick up our cross daily!
Again thank you Lord that you are truth and you are revealing to us more truths❤️
There are many scriptural references: these are just a few
Jeremiah 17:9; Acts 8:22; Proverbs 21:4;
Acts 24:6; Psalms 50:17; Romans 1: 28; Romans 3: 23; 1 Peter 1:4; 2Timothy 4:3; Jeremiah 6:4.
Respectfully, prayerfully and lovingly submitted for your own reflection and thoughts in Christ Jesus.
Dr/Apostle Zipporah Brown

Friday, December 11, 2020


I hear be surefooted when you are on unstable grounds. Be fixed & focused on Jesus at all times. Many are moving in illegal territories in the Spirit realm opening doors & gates to the enemy or flowing in the Spirit for personal gain with prophesy or the gifts of The Holy Ghost, some are tapping into Humanism, New Age, divination, witchcraft or mixing some false religious theology in your flow & called it Jesus, remember If you move/flow in areas of darkness, unholy realms of the enemy & by him being a legalist he is going to take his liberties & the rights you have given him.
We must be pure, Holy, true, authentic & have integrity with our Father God. Please close all gates, doors & windows in our soul to all lies of the enemy.
Many are asleep to what is really going on now & is  not alert or watchful & have been bewitched, seduce or entice by their own desires, issues, soul & not walking in biblical principles in the Bible. The Word is truth! Ask God for His truths, a greater revelation & His interpretation of the Scriptures.
Please go before God & do a personal inventory in Jesus. Because I hear the words strongly HALT & WOE !
God is filtering & cleansing our hearts, motives, character, desires, perceptions & attitudes with His Consuming Fire. He is purging, purifying & pruning those things in us that are not like Him.
Finally I hear listen to God, watch your mouths, thoughts & be not persuaded against The Kingdom of God & who He has ordained to use in this season, because someone may not be up to your own standards or judgments or what you may have heard or even thought about a person. I hear do not touch it or agree with your mouth, actions or deeds against that person, you must pray & intercede. I hear get truth from God for your ownself & what you speak or even think, because you will only be accountable to God for yourself & it will not be based on anyone else's thoughts, opinions, words, or even their false witness when you are before the Throne of God. I saw hot coals being touched to lips of God's people & it was a very long line, I did not see the end of the line only the beginning. We should not be superficial but authentic in our relationship with Jesus & also each other.
Don't get angry at me, I'm just the messager or vessel used of Jesus.
God told me my people get angry at the Messager because they are not ready for the truth, they are currently in sin, or they just do not want to deal with their issues or they don't want to be exposed & they want to continue to hide, thereby, they are in denial or they project their own issues & problems off onto others or try to rationalize & intimidate others by coming up against the Messager's character or identity.
If you do not agree it is ok but God will be not be controlled or manipulated, He alone is God & He will always confirm His word. The truth will always stand out & be made known.
This right now movement in God is so pure & Holy & there shall be no mixtures or contamination in the flow of The Spirit, so we must stay before God in the process in order to progress & grow in Kingdom's purposes.
Remember this is not a season to play games with God, we are in some serious times in God, we must stay in prayer & seek God, His heart, thoughts about everything & everybody.
We must trust God & walk by Faith.
Know that I love you, but The Father & Jesus loves you more.
Dr/Apostle Zipporah R.Brown

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ponder The Will Of God?

I hear The Lord say be obedient without any hesitation or delay in this season. Time is of the essence for the Divine Kingdom Connections. The act of hesitating is a delay due to uncertainty of the mind or fear. A state of doubt,a halting or faltering in speech according to the dictionary.  I say it is a pausing in commencing your actions based on a perceived inability to accomplish the task at the moment, whether in your own  thoughts, beliefs, actions or deeds.
We must trust The Lord in all movement through our vessel which is based on your availability & your faith in Him.
Your movement in Christ is not based on your carnal senses, feelings, natural observations or not even what is comprehended by you, it is strictly by the obedience to The voice of God. Consequently, you must have a knowing of His voice in  your spirit in this due season, with no vacillating or inconsistency in your response to Jesus.
It is now onward progressively with an ardent, eagerness &  willingness attitude in what The Lord has required of you to do.
So be bold & confident because the rewards & benefits are going to be phenomenal. 
Only let your pauses be in the realm of Christ's will by being synchronize with the Holy Spirit & not to delay your own blessings.

Apostle Zipporah Brown

Sunday, August 16, 2020

BlogTalk Radio Broadcast with Dr Zipporah Brown

Midnight Praise Thanksgiving with Dr. Abram with Apostle Dr. Zipporah Brown 07/07 by MKSPCG | Religion

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

God Is Going To Use You

I heard this morning in prayer "The Lord said that He is going to give others a word of wisdom through you. People are looking for solutions & answers to their situations."
Also I hear God is increasing His availability to others through you as a vessel.
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Movement In Christ

Gird up to go up !  When an airplane is going to change flight position or pattern, the Pilot ask the passengers to fastening up their seat belt to secure our safety & to anchor us in our seats.
I hear God say gird yourself up, because you are rapidly advancing in me;  as I see some of us going up on a plane, others of us are on a Jet, while others are on a rocket going straight up with no detours.  However all airborn vehicles are moving or soaring upwards.
At this point our position/ foundation in Christ must be secure as we go up in our journey, we may experience some turbulence in the process of going upwards. We definitely need our whole armour on in this proces.
Even a Pilot has control of His flight panel,  we must know & trust that God has complete control of our situations as He is launching us out into the deep. So let's soar in Jesus !
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Monday, May 18, 2020

God's Unconditional Love

I find it so amazing how many of God's children can't say "I love you" in their responses, correspondence, emails, texts or in verbal communication with others or their brethren.
This is what our purpose should be about in the Kingdom of God & as His representative in the earth.
Spreading the love that have been shed abroad in our hearts from Jesus Christ is suppose to be exhibited to others in all of our actions, thoughts & deeds. Our character should reflect Jesus' unconditional love as the reality of who He is.
We all need to review our love walk, especially when our example is not showing love in all areas of our walk, whether it be verbal, written or non verbal. 
Maybe many of the Children of God have not allowed God's to permeate their hearts & they do not have any love to give others or know how to give love. Oh God forbids, for He is love!
We must not allow ourselves to walk in any forms of anger, resentment, offense, jealous, pride, hatred & unforgiveness etc, which cancels out the love of Christ from operating through our vessel.
Please allow God's agape love to touch you, so that you may be able to release the love to others. 
Everything we do or say should be done in love, for Jesus is love & so therefore we should be the embodiment of His love as well !
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Monday, March 23, 2020

Important information About The Coronavirus

Important  Information
Apostle Zipporah Brown

The Chinese now understand the behavior of the Covid-19 virus, due to autopsies that they have carried out. This virus is characterized by obstructing respiratory pathways with thick mucus that solidifies and blocks the airways & lungs. So they have discovered that in order to be able to apply a medicine you have to open and unblock these airways so that the treatment can be used to take affect. However all of this takes a number of days. Their recommendations for what you can do to safe guard yourself are the following....

#1  Drink lots of hot liquids, coffee, soups, teas and/or warm water. In addition take a sip of warm water every 20 minutes because this keeps your mouth moist and washes any of the virus that may have entered into your mouth then into your stomach with the gastric juices will neutralize it before it can get to the lungs.

#2  Gargle with an antiseptic in warm water, such as vinegar, salt or lemon everyday if possible

#3  The virus attaches itself to hair and cloths. Any detergent or soap kills it but you must take a bath or shower when you get in from the street. Avoid sitting down anywhere and go straight to the bathroom or shower. If you cannot wash your clothes daily hang them in direct sunlight which also neutralizes the virus.

#4  Wash metallic surfaces very carefully because the virus can remain viable on these for up to nine days. Take note and be vigilant about touching handrails and door knobs etc. Do this within your own home as well and do it regularly. Wipe down and keep clean!

#5  Don’t SMOKE

#6  Wash your hands every 20 minutes using any soap that foams. Do this for 20 seconds and wash your hands thoroughly.

#7  Eat fruits and vegetables. Try to elevate your zinc levels not just your vitamin C levels. Detox your body from all meats for at least seven days.

#8  Animals do not spread the virus to people. This is a person to person transmition.

#9  Try your best to avoid getting the common flu