Thursday, September 12, 2019


Calling all Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, Prophetic Watchmen, Apostolic & Prophetic Intercessors, Generals, Praying Saints, Prayer Immobilizers, Prayer Educators, Instructors, Coaches & Teachers, Prayer Directors, Assistants, & Leaders, Locally, Regional & International Intercessors, Prayer Directors, Prayer Group Leaders & Participants, Midwives, Those who Travails, Lament & Wails before The Throne of God,  Prayer Strategics, Tacticians, Chief & Governmental Intercessors, Prayer Ambassadors, Those with Prayer Ministry,  Organizations, College & Schools, Those that Facility Prayerlines, Those who have Television & Radio Venues about Prayer, 24/7 Prayerline Partners, Crisis Prayer Workers, Evangelism Prayer Warriors, International & Global Intercessors, Persecuted Nations Intercessors, Intercessors For Israel, Traveling Intercessors those who go onsite to Pray, Special Prayer Forces, Captains of Prayer,  City & State Prayer Leaders, Prayer Networks, Those that have been over various Prayer Movements, Prayer Call-in Leaders, Churches Head Intercessors or Leaders, Intercessors that Pray for Specific Events or Areas, Leaders, Governments, Entertainment Industry, Schools, Businesses, Safety, etc, Spiritual Warfare Leaders, Intercessors For The Nations, Cultures & Ethnicities,  Intercessors who watch the News to pray, or  those who do not watch the News to pray, Statewide Intercessors, & Intercessors that are on the watch to Prevents Demonic Attacks in the Spirit Realm, Intercessors For Marriage, Teens, Children, Husbands, Wives, The Elderly, Parents, Grandparents & Families, Intercessors For Victims & the Predators,  for the Grieving, the Hurting Rejected & Lost. Intercessors For The Body of Christ, The Churches & Ministries, Intercessors that Pray For people's  Deliverance & or people who just like to pray in Jesus' name. This an Urgent Alert, 911, SOS,  a help, The trumpet is sounding in the Spirit & There is a Clarion Call to PRAY NOW, even if you have not been praying with a consistency or  been persistence in your prayer life. It is time to communicate with YOUR Heavenly Father, because changes are coming rapidly & suddenly that will effect humanity  globally. Our God is pouring His spirit out on all flesh.
We shall witness a mighty, great, massive & awesome move of God with creative miracles, strange, wondrous & terrible signs to manifest in the earth.
Yet there will be & are increases in the intensity in spiritual warfare, However we are Victorious & Triumphant in every way in Christ. We Must keep our FOCUS on Christ, by WATCHING as well as PRAYING  & PRAY daily! We must build up our prayer walls, shields & protection around ourselves, families, communities, Nations etc . We are in The Army of The Lord. He awaits to give us all our Marching Orders Now & I sense He is saying Right Now!  He calling for a greater sensitivity to His presence & Holy Spirit, A total submission of our being to His will & guidance,  a greater purging, deliverance, cleansing, & Holiness in Him. Also a greater intimacy  accountability of our individual action to The Lord. We are on the Frontline & every entry way to the enemy & demonic realm must be closed & there no exceptions or excuses, because this stage the enemy is coming with an vengeance with the intend to kill, steal & destroy. The Kingdom  suffers violence & the violent must take it by force. We must bind the strongman  in our life  as well as the territory we shall plunder.
So let's girt up ours loins & proceed to go forward in prayer, with our weapons of our warfare which are not carnal, but mighty in The Lord.
Watch therefore with all vigilant. Resist the devil & he shall fleet. GOD IS CALLING ALL INTERCESSORS this is not a one man's show, but a Kingdom's initiatives orchestrated & mobilize by our Sovereign  King, as The Lord Saboath. 
By Dr Zipporah Brown


We continue praying for Men everywhere.
Yes we are praying & interceding for the Men for their  roles are difficult & we may not understand their position as a Male, Men or boy.
We must encourage & support our Sons, Brothers, Husbands, Uncles, Grandsons, Nephews, Male Cousins,, Fathers, Grandfathers, Professional Males, or  the working Males, those in the Government, Law enforcement, Teachers,  the Medical areas & those that  may need to be restored in life & back in society.
Pray for Men in jail, Nursing homes, Seniors Citizens,  the Male seeds & children, the youth, Millennials, those in Foster care system & those that are homeless etc.
We need to pray continually  for those that  do work of the ministry, Pastors, Leaders, Bishops, Apostle, Prophets. Ushers, Deacons, Musicians, or whatever perspective roles they may operate in our society.
Please continue to pray  the Men because there is an increase need  & intense attack on Males in the earth.  We must become their intercessor in this season.
Apostle Zipporah Brown


So true, we must authentic in every area of our lives.
We are not to be superficial in our words, actions, or deeds.  We should always be authentic, especially when we are representing The Kingdom of God, we have to be real & genuine in showing forth our love, light & transparency to others.
BE YOU !  The best possible you that you can be !
Our lives are an living Epistle open &  read before all Men. 2Corinthians 3:2 & 3.
We have to become the engrafted Word of God in the earth. James1:21
Apostle Zipporah Brown

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Right Now Prayer Team

raying on location as a team of Intercessors ( The Right Now Prayer Team) that are power packed, dynamite, & full of wisdom, strategies, boldness, love, insights & might, because  of Jesus being  our Chief In Commander & Sovereign King. We  pray at various location & join other prayer movements as God lead us into a deeper depths of understanding & clarity as Warriors, Watchmen, Strategist, Tacticians, Sharp Shooters & as a  Prophetic & Apostolic team flowing in
purity, holiness, truth, authenticity, Integrity & unity.
We are Kingdom endorsed & empowered by the Most High, true  & living God.  We are Midwives, Travailers, encouragers, motivators,  Prayer Initiators, Protectors in the Army of The Lord.
We are now crying out for nations,families, individuals, governments, etc as The Father leads us with His heart. We remain target specific  in our prayers so to effective in our operations  & intercession. We are God's Intercessors ready to intercede on your behalf. God has found us faithful to stand in the gap.  We are willing & available to The Holy Spirit in battle  on the ground, air & sea, whether its Domestic or Foreign. There a war cry deep in our soul & it is The fire of God to pray for men everywhere with a urgency & fervency
We are seers, Apostles Prophets, Scribes, Pastors. Teachers & Evangelists, but most importantly & definitely servants of The Kingdom of God that is unstoppable in Christ Jesus.  Let God arise & His enemies be scattered.
Apostle Zipporah Brown