In your presence always Lord, let your presence be in me, through me, on me, around me, in my DNA, my cellular structure, my mind & brain, my blood, organs, eyes, ears, mouth, drench every part of my being Lord with your tangible manifested glorious presence Lord, from the very top my head, down to the tips of my toes, let your presence permeate all parts my being. Let your sweet, Holy, aroma fill & bring about atmospheric changes as the results of your glory. May I be all so endowed with your glory. May your holiness be viewed upon me & in my entire being & let me be absolutely synchronized with your every move through the Holy Spirit, may the transparency of my being be all so reflective of your image & may the, radiant, brightest, brilliant & the illuminous light of Jesus Christ be seen & felt by others to expell all obscure & oppressive darkness because of my presence. May the glory give each individual hope that brings healings, deliverance, the fear & awe of the Lord that releases total conviction & convergent to those who yet do not know you Lord Jesus Christ as their presonal Saviour & King.
May others experience your exhilarating, exuberant, extravagant & rapturous love because of your presence in me. I find the ecstasy of your presence continually brings elation, ecstatic, jubilant, euphoric & enraptured joy & strength to my being. Father please captivate & entrall others with your Holy presence as you have engulfed & immersed me.
Let your Glory Father be released across the Globe, for no flesh will be Glorified in your presence. Father let fire totally consume me in its entirety & set me ablaze for your glory.
Definitely let your effervescence presence be made known to others. Let your agape love & intimacy be made known to your children as this what give pleasure.
Manifest your Kingdom to others Lord, by your SPIRIT. Bring forth your Divine alignment with the order of heaven. Let the supernatural & creative miracles, signs and wonders be manifested because of your Glory.
I am so in love with Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai, my Abba Father & Yahushua, my King & Rauch Hakodesh. Thank you Lord
Apostle Zipporah ( Tzipporah) Brown
Friday, June 28, 2019
Father God Surround Me With Your Presence
We pray for healing & deliverance from the root of manipulation, lies, cheating, etc , especially for individuals that currently operates like this that are calling themselves a child of God.
Father we asks that you expose these ungodly behaviors & deal with the soul of each person for your Glory. Allow them to see themselves & take responsibility for their own behaviors & actions.
We decree that all denial, deception, lies, manipulation, untruth, rebellion, pride, selfishness are not acceptable behaviors in your Kingdom & in your presence in our vessels & we take authority over all ungodly behaviors & bind up these activities in Jesus' name!
We now loose godly biblical truths, godly influence, the reality of the Kingdom, love, compassion, a greater understanding of Jesus, love for God, themselves & their neighbors, a selflessness & a servant attitude, truth in their inward parts, death to their flesh & an absolute williness to change their own behaviors & a definite desire to please Jesus.
We decree all these behaviors will always be exposed around your presence God, Fear of The Lord will come forth & also conviction of The Holy Spirit. We send forth love, peace, joy & Godly acceptance to them, (but not the sin or fleshly & ungodly behaviors). We bind up all demonic influences, shame, guilt & the stranger's voice.
We thank you Lord for your love & healing for those that may be operating in these behaviors that comes in your presence around us.
We will not be ignorance of the devices of enemy & we immediately forgive the individual & we intercede in love for our brethren in Jesus' name.
No matter where or what situation we see these behaviors operating, we shall pray for that individual.
Father let all our responses be Godly & pleasing to you Lord. Let us also take a look at ourselves so that we ourselves are not operating in same behaviors & are delivered & cleanse of these actions as well, so our intercession is pure before the throne & we respond with grace & mercy; not out of judgement, criticism or condemnation with any individual that needs the love of Christ & true an intimate relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ in whom we are suppose to represent in any situation.
We are vessels of The most High, King Jesus & we must represent Jesus in the beauty of Holiness.
Finally Father help us to represent you well & be pleasing unto you in every circumstances we may encounter on a daily basis.
Apostle Zipporah Brown
A Marriage Is Call Holy Matrimony Representing Jesus & His Bride !
God's Word & way is true. He set the natural order of things, anything else is unnatural & out of order, which is rebellion. Rebellion against the order & biblical principles of God. God's Word is immutable & irrefutable. God does not make any mistakes. The mutation of ones identity & moral decay represents man's denial of God's existence & authority. Yes God is love & He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. However when Jesus hung on the cross The Father turned from him briefly because of the sin that was placed on him from us. Jesus said why have thou forsaken me.
God hates all forms of sin & it does not matter who justify it or make excuses for their behaviors or desires. Everything was created & put into existence has a purpose & reason to function the way it does. No humanistic, psychological, analytical deviant injection into the behaviors of man & analyzing the Word of from a carnal perspective will change What God has decreed & SAID.
Just by natural observance we see the functionality of male & female & what God has ordained for the existence of mankind to procreate; Perversion & inordinate affections has occurred from corruption of the enemy & has been there before this earth exsisted. The enemy Injecting thoughts will lead to destruction & chaos. Once a person is throughly convince their behaviors are legitimate, based on the sense realms, natural intellect & human emotions; Everything in that persons responds to that belief system that the enemy has put in place. Sometimes it may occurs in the womb, for we are spiritual beings. We must trust & believe God at this juncture in wake of humanity rebellion against God in our country. It did not just start, as we read scriptures, it has been happening for ages. When men are not submitted to the truth & reality of the Kingdom they will always want to do things their way & not God's ways. The enemy main purpose is to pervert the holiness & sanctity of God's image in marriage. The Groom which is Jesus & His bride that's us as the Body of Christ, represents a male (Jesus Christ) & a female( The children of God) It can not & will not be any other way in the sight of God. It is written !
Apostle Zipporah Brown
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Technology These Days
Look technology is great, however I do not like the GPS, Google whoever knowing my every move & than telling me where I am at. It just to weird to me. It is convenient when we need it & want to it use the technology, the accuracy is scary. Sometimes technology can be invasive & I am not comfortable with that, I realizes monitoring systems have been in place for many years, now the intensity of these devices and their capabilities are more extreme & accurate. I guess this is what we want when need the support in obtaining directions.
We must watch as well as pray, I am not one of those conspiracy theorists, but I am encouraging everyone to pray in this season we are in. We are to be sober & vigilant in the Kingdom of God. As technology advances in the natural realm, I feel we should also advance in spirit realm with the heart of God.
Jesus is a great strategist & He will lead us through this maze of deceit & games in our society. My prayer is that we become more skilled & sharpen in every area as more in depth the weapons are becoming & being formed in this day & age.
I remembered discussing these times & these things in junior high school, back than it seemed so futuristic & unobtainable at time. Now what was discussed back then is deemed antiquated in comparison to the speed in which knowledge is increasing especially in technology.
I believe we must look to see & see what is not seen.
Just take a look at this younger generation & how things are evolving quickly & how the youth has adapted to the operation of technology.
It does not even seem to phrase them & they have the capacity to know how to operate the elitist computers, tablets & smart phones. So as things advances, may God grant us the wisdom to remain abreast to the new.
Apostle Zipporah Brown