Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus, I totally agree for a true revival & awakening. A happening from the Holy Spirit of God that can not be denied, this will be an in your face supernatural miracles & radical changes instantaneously in people, the atmosphere, our communities, territories & utter most part of the world.
A global glory released across the earth by God's Spirit in an intensity & purity that we never have experienced before in humanity's existence in this realm on the earth. Let us have an expectancy, anticipation & hope in Christ Jesus! God The Father is a great Master strategist. The time is now ! This that is happening is now, it's a suddenly. A moment in eternity & God's kairos timing in this due season. Get ready to launch forth, for God is the catalyst in movement.
Apostle Zipporah Brown
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
The Authentic Move of God
Monday, April 29, 2019
It Is A Serious Time In God
Being in headship of The Five Ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) & or in a leadership position; you, yourself are responsible & accountable to God all areas of your individual walk before Him. You just can not do what you want to do, go where you want go, say what you to say out of your mouth or even associate with who God has not ordained for your life & destiny, unless it is an assignment from The Lord.
We should always abide under the shadow of His wings & stay in His arms of protection, by being obedient, submissive to Him & resisting the effects of the enemy. We must girt ourselves up with the full armour of God. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal people,but mighty through God to pulling down strongholds.
It is a very serious time we are in right now & we can't afford to move out of the timing of The Lord in this season. We must be synchronize with the Holy Spirit & be obedient to The voice of The Lord.
Our God is Holy God & we must also be Holy in our words, actions, thoughts & deeds.
Please seek The Lord for His Prophetic time table in the earth now, for things are moving expediently.
There is such an intensity in the spirit realm & things are unfolding right before our very eyes.
God is not mocked, what so ever you sow that we shall also reap. The workings of the flesh is clearly identified in the scriptures & being led by the Holy Spirit is evident in our fruit display to others.
Apostle Zipporah Brown